Use your time to make a difference.

Step-In Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Step-In is Charleston Hope’s afterschool recurring weekly girls program. Our program helps girls discover their strengths so they can become the fullest person they can be. Our model pairs weekly volunteers 2x a week with a group of girls as a mentor during our program. Mentors will work with the small group of girls assigned to them to foster relationships and help them discover their strengths.
Key Details:
Background check and volunteer training required.
Must commit to two times a week (M/W or T/TH from 2:30-6:00 pm)

Step-In Experiences Volunteer
We want our girls to expand their horizons and explore their passions, learn new skills and gain exposure to different opportunities available to them. If you would like to be a guest speaker or invite our girls to an experience to expand their horizons, fill out the form below!
Team Volunteer
With a small nonprofit making a big impact, we need all the support and assistance we can get! We’re always looking for volunteers to provide administrative, program development and fundraising/event support. If you’re looking to lend a hand in this way, let us know today!